I try not to be negative on my blog, but I'm frustrated. Why is it that no one else in this house can set-up their own damn electronic gadgets? Why, everytime that we buy a new little gizmo, such as a cell phone or game system, pedometer, or what have you, must I be the one who has to spend 4-5 hours trying to learn how to get the software set-up, hardware updated, synchronizing going, etc...?
Why? There are directions. Specific step-by-step directions.
I hate to say it, but I make Dusty do all of that stuff too :( He is the electronic gizmo guy in the house. Maybe Shane thinks of you in the same way. He probably feels that you will do a better job and not screw anything up. So a positive is that they feel you will do way better than them :) I know it sucks though, and I am sorry!
You must be bugged because you posted this on FB too! Funny Shelly. Guess what? I'm that guy that has to figure everything out too, but I just look at the bright side...at least you got something new!
Shell, you are awesome. You are giving to you family to make them better and stronger in getting through this life. Way to go girl.
I guess I was a little over dramatic about it, but I was mad. I was so tired, and it was late, I had a headache, and Shane made me stay up all night to set his stupid Blackberry up lol.
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